Main Toolbar

For general information about Explorer++’s toolbars, ie. moving, resizing, customizing, etc., see the toolbars Overview.


The Main toolbar provides access to some commonly used Explorer++ functions. The following buttons are available on the Main toolbar, using the Customize dialog; your toolbar may not contain all buttons. The table below shows the buttons loosely organized by function; your toolbar may have buttons in any order.



Brief Description



returns the tab to the previous location in the tab’s history, if one exists


this (separate) button - part of the Back button - opens a menu showing a list of history locations, in the Back direction. Clicking on an item returns the tab to that location directly.



returns the tab to the newest, but previously visited location in the tab’s history, if one exists. This location only exists if the Back function has been used; ie. the Forward history is only created by the Back function.


this (separate) button - part of the Forward button - opens a menu showing a list of history locations, in the Forward direction. Clicking on an item returns the tab to that location directly.



goes to the parent folder of the current location


Folders (enabled)

clicking this button toggles the Folders pane off (hidden)


Folders (disabled)

clicking this button toggles the Folders pane on (visible)



places selected items (files and folders) on the clipboard



removes selected files and folders and places them on the clipboard. Removal is done at the time of pasting.



pastes data or files/folders from the clipboard



deletes files/folders to the Recycle bin (except for removable drives)


Delete permanently

deletes files/folders without sending them to the Recycle bin



displays properties of a file or folder. Multiple files/folders (mixed) may also be used.



finds files/folders by name and/or attributes


New Folder

creates a new folder in the current folder (tab)


Copy To

copies selected files and folders to a different location


Move To

moves selected files and folders to a different location



cycles through available views for the current tab


this (separate) button - part of the Views button - opens a menu showing available views and allows the user to select a view directly (menu item is checked)


Show Command Prompt

opens a command prompt (ie. DOS box) in the current directory



re-sorts and re-displays the current Files pane, subject to current settings (ie. Sort By, etc.)


Bookmark the current tab

creates a new bookmark


Manage Bookmarks

opens the Manage Bookmarks dialog


Create a new tab

creates a new tab in the files pane