Destroy File(s)…

The Destroy File(s)… action securely deletes selected files by overwriting their file space, preventing file recovery. The dialog allows
removal of files marked for deletion, and
selection of either a 1-pass or 3-pass overwrite.
The Destroy File(s) action is not the same as the Delete Permanently routine!
Why use secure deletion?
Today’s computer stores much more than just games and documents; many users access secure websites using password protection to
buy and sell stocks and securities,
manipulate their bank accounts and move money electronically
pay bills
make purchases using credit card information.
The computer of such a user likely contains records of such transactions which, in the wrong hands, could lead to identity theft, or worse! Although encryption is often used as a security measure, it has already been shown that RSA public key encryption - once considered unbeatable (even using sophisticated computers) in less than thousands of years - may be hacked under certain conditions in as little as several days. In short, we must always think about
what is possibly on our computer - passwords, sensitive data, etc.,
and how can we protect it.
Most of us know that deleted files can be recovered fairly easily by tools such as Recuva, a freeware product. But today computer forensic tools can be used to read residual magnetism on hard drives, possibly re-constructing portions of data that could be used unlawfully. Secure deletion of files - in a way which renders them unrecoverable - is one simple way we can safeguard some of our personal data.
USB flash drives, although not magnetic, may still be recovered in a manner similar to hard drives. Secure deletion can be useful for flash drives as well.
What does Destroy File(s) actually do?
The Destroy File(s) - secure deletion - routine performs the following tasks on each file:
locates file data
determines the actual size of the file on disk, i.e. how many clusters are allocated to that file
opens the file, blocking any sharing mode, thus stopping the file from being opened (by another network user, for example) while it is being overwritten
extends the file out to the end of its last sector, eliminating file slack
starts at the beginning of the file, and writes in the first-pass data, 0x00 over the length of the whole file. This overwriting effectively eliminates the former contents of the file.
if 3-pass overwrite has been chosen, then
starts at the beginning of the file, and writes in the second-pass data - 0xFF - over the length of the whole file.
then, writes in a random set of data, again byte by byte, as the third pass. This random data is obtained via the operating system’s cryptography functions, and as such, is extremely difficult to duplicate.
flushes (ie. empties) all memory buffers connected to the file
closes the file and frees the Windows file handle used for the above procedures
deletes the file without sending it to the Recycle Bin.
Destroy File(s) writes data either once or three times, one byte at a time, and is, therefore, somewhat disk intensive. What this means is that the routine is not as fast as normal file writing. Calculation of an estimated write time would be difficult, since it would be dependent on a number of uncertain aspects, namely
the type (number of cores, etc.) and speed of processor
the type of drive (IDE, EIDE, SCSI, SATA, USB, flash, etc)
fragmentation of the file - fragmented files contain clusters that may be physically farther apart
amount of system memory - this affects the speed of system operations which indirectly could affect write times
Attempting to use Destroy File(s) on a large file may create a very long wait time, so the following estimates are included here for reference and comparison:
Hardware: Pentium III processor, 1.2 Ghz, 768 Mb ram
Operating System: Windows XP SP2
Drives: 1: EIDE, 160 Gb; 2: USB, 1.0 Tb
Files |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Sizes |
1 Mb (1,048,576) |
10 Mb (10,485,760) |
100 Mb (104,857,600) |
1-pass |
Drive 1 Drive 2 |
± 2.1 sec ± 1.8 sec |
± 19.6 sec ± 16.0 sec |
± 3.2 min ± 2.6 min |
3-pass |
Drive 1 Drive 2 |
± 9.9 sec ± 8.5 sec |
± 1.6 min ± 1.4 min |
± 16.0 min ± 14.0 min |
The times for the USB drive are shorter, I believe, owing to the larger drive capacity (shorter seek time). To put these times into perspective, for the listed hardware, one could estimate the secure deletion times as
2 seconds/megabyte for 1-pass, and
10 seconds/megabyte for 3-pass.
This means that deleting a DVD image file (± 4 Gb), for example, using 3-pass secure deletion, could take as long as 11.5 hours! Sleep on it!
Early termination
On the hardware listed above, the Windows Task Manager reports that Explorer++ is using between 95% and 99% of the CPU time during a Destroy File(s) operation, despite the fact that the process is operating at Normal priority. The effect of this is that
the appearance of Explorer++ (not the Destroy File(s) dialog) is that of a program that has “stopped responding to the system”, and
attempting to switch to another application (via the taskbar) and do something else is a waste of time.
If Destroy File(s) is launched in error on a large file (see times above), it can be prematurely terminated using the Task Manager by
opening the Task Manager using Ctrl+Alt+Delete
selecting the process Explorer++.exe
clicking End Process
agreeing to the warning dialog
The effect of this is to forcefully close Explorer++ and, of course, the Destroy File(s) dialog (a child window), freeing up your system resources. However, take note that
settings for Explorer++ (ie. open tabs, views, etc.) may not have been saved, and
the file(s) targeted for secure deletion were, in all likelihood, damaged (partially overwritten), but not fully deleted.
Although the Destroy File(s) action is deemed to be secure, Explorer++ is released under the GNU General Public License and no warranty as to suitability is offered. Section 15 of the GNU license states that the program is provided “as-is” without warranty of any kind.
In other words, if you use the Destroy File(s) routine, and you still get busted for importing ivory when the police seize your computer and find your files, you’re on your own!