Address Bar
Alt + D
Ctrl + L

For general information about Explorer++’s toolbars, ie. moving, resizing, customizing, etc., see the toolbars Overview.
The Address Bar serves 3 general purposes:
it displays the icon associated with the current folder (tab),
it displays the address of the current folder (tab); this address can be copied to the clipboard (if desired), and
it allows the user to enter an address and, using the Go button, jump to that address.
Folder icon
This area displays any folder icon associated with a particular folder; the default is usually as shown in the image. Most special folders on the Go menu have distinct icons associated with them and will display those icons here.
Dragging and dropping the Address Bar’s icon to a folder (in the Folders or Files pane) - or to another tab - creates a Windows shortcut (ie. a LNK file) in that folder. The shortcut points to the original location.
Address/text field
Address display
If a location for the active tab is selected, by any valid means, the address/text field of the Address Bar displays the current address. If the address is too long to fit in the space allotted (ie. the Explorer++ window has been resized, and the Address Bar is now too small to display the full address, or the address is deeply nested in subfolders), the text in the address/text field can be scrolled by placing the cursor in the field, then moving the curser (left/right arrow, Ctrl+left/right arrow, etc.).
Text in the address/text field may be selected and manipulated (eg. copied to the clipboard), by using Windows hotkeys (eg. Ctrl+C for copy), or through the use of a small context (ie. right-click) menu. The Copy Folder Path operation copies the entire address to the clipboard.
Address entry
You may enter an address in the address/text field and jump to that address by pressing Enter or clicking the Go button. The address must one of either
a fully qualified path, ie. <drive letter>:\<folder>\<folder>\… etc. An example might be:
Note that fully qualified paths should not end in the backslash (\) character.
Every time you enter backslash (\) character, Explorer++ opens a special (resizable) window and displays a list of the contents (files and folders both) of the path as typed so far (if valid). You may select a folder from this list; Explorer++ will jump to that folder. Selecting a file will attempt to open it in any registered application, the same as if you tried to open the file using a double-click (or single-click, with an option set). A refresh will restore the true address.
the name of a subfolder in the current location. The folder must already exist. This is the only time Explorer++ will accept less than a fully qualified path, except for special locations (following).
the name of a special location. Explorer++ recognizes the following locations in the Address Bar as special:
Special location
<drive>:\Documents and Settings\<user>\D esktop
<drive>:\Documents and Settings\<user>\My Documents
<drive>:\Documents and Settings\<user>\My Documents\My Pictures
<drive>:\Documents and Settings\<user>\My Documents\My Music
<drive>:\Documents and Settings\<user>\My Documents\My Videos
Entering one of the above locations (case-insensitive) in the address/text field and clicking the Go button (or pressing Enter) jumps to the target location. Explorer++ also recognizes several virtual folders, as shown on the Go menu, namely
My Computer
Recycle Bin
Control Panel
Printers and Faxes (opens in Windows Explorer)
My Network Places
although, it is likely easier just to use the Go menu for these locations.
Adress drop-down
The drop-down list for the Address Bar shows all subfolders (folders only - no files) in the current location. You may click on any folder in the list to put its name in the address/text field; pressing Enter or clicking the Go button will take you there.